Author Archive

Twelfth Retrobörse in Vienna: 25th November 2023

November 22nd, 2023 by Dieter in Events

Following the success of the Retrobörse in Vienna from 2009 to 2022, Austria’s capital will see its twelfth Börse on SATURDAY, 25th November 2023. Like the previous one, this Börse will be held in the Längenfeldgasse 13 – 15, 1120 Vienna. Doors will open at 11 am and close at 4 pm. Entrance fee is only 5 Euros.

On more than 130 sales tables you will find items from the very first Pong systems up to the Playstation 4 era, both computer and video games, hardware and accessories.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enlarge your collection and chat with other enthusiasts about the whole video and computer games history.

Please visit for more details.

Eleventh Retrobörse in Vienna: 22th May 2022

Mai 17th, 2022 by Dieter in Events

Following the success of the Retrobörse in Vienna from 2009 to 2019, and after two years Covid break, Austria’s capital will see its eleventh Börse on SUNDAY, 22th May 2022. Like the previous one, this Börse will be held in the Längenfeldgasse 13 – 15, 1120 Vienna. Doors will open at 11 am and close at 4 pm. Entrance fee is only 5 Euros.

On more than 130 sales tables you will find items from the very first Pong systems up to the Playstation 4 era, both computer and video games, hardware and accessories.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enlarge your collection and chat with other enthusiasts about the whole video and computer games history.

Please visit for more details.

Tenth Retrobörse in Vienna: 30th November 2019

Oktober 28th, 2019 by Dieter in Events

Following the success of the Retrobörse in Vienna from 2009 to 2018, Austria’s capital will see its tenth Börse on SATURDAY, 30th November 2019. Like the previous one, this Börse will be held in the Längenfeldgasse 13 – 15, 1120 Vienna. Doors will open at 11 am and close at 4 pm. Entrance fee is only 5 Euros.

On more than 130 sales tables you will find items from the very first Pong systems up to the Playstation 3 era, both computer and video games, hardware and accessories.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enlarge your collection and chat with other enthusiasts about the whole video and computer games history.

Please visit for more details.

Ninth Retrobörse in Vienna: 1st December 2018

November 20th, 2018 by Dieter in Events

Following the success of the Retrobörse in Vienna from 2009 to 2017, Austria’s capital will see its ninth Börse on SATURDAY, 1st December 2018. Like the previous one, this Börse will be held in the Längenfeldgasse 13 – 15, 1120 Vienna. Doors will open at 11 am and close at 4 pm. Entrance fee is only 5 Euros.

On more than 130 sales tables you will find items from the very first Pong systems up to the Playstation 3 era, both computer and video games, hardware and accessories.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enlarge your collection and chat with other enthusiasts about the whole video and computer games history.

Please visit for more details.

Eighth Retrobörse In Vienna: 10th December 2017

Dezember 7th, 2017 by Dieter in Events

Following the success of the Retrobörse in Vienna from 2009 to 2016, Austria’s capital will see its eighth Börse on Sunday, 10th December 2017. Like the previous one, this Börse will be held in the Längenfeldgasse 13 – 15, 1120 Vienna. Doors will open at 11 am and close at 4 pm. Entrance fee is only 5 Euros.

On more than 130 sales tables you will find items from the very first Pong systems up to the Playstation 3 era, both computer and video games, hardware and accessories.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enlarge your collection and chat with other enthusiasts about the whole video and computer games history.

Please visit for more details.

Robot City Released On Cart As Videopac 71

November 1st, 2017 by Dieter in Videopac

Robot City CoverRobot City was one of the very first unreleased games that had been discovered after the demise of the Videopac system. The game was already known to collectors in the late 1990s – more details at Unreleased Videopacs Discovered. Since then it could only be played on emulators or multicarts, until Andy Ryals from UK released it on cart under his RetroGenesis label in 2009. In the meantime there are many new collectors and also a lot of people asked for the game to be released in proper Videopac style, so I decided to make 100 copies as Videopac 71.

Robbert Jansen, administrator of the famous Videopac and Odyssey2 forum, who already made the artwork for my 2013 release Terrahawks: The Second Assault (Videopac 70) again designed a brilliant cover for the game.

Robot City is a unique game that was not available on any system back in the 1980s – which is a pity, because it is very addictive! The fact that the enemy robots are only vulnerable from behind and the goal to let them shoot each other to get higher scores are the main features that don’t exist in that combination in any other game. In the meantime a version for the Atari 2600 has been programmed by Thomas Jentzsch, which already tells a lot …

Robot City debuted at Eurocon in Nijmegen (Netherlands) on Friday 27th October 2017 and the first copies were available for attendees of the convention. It went on general sale on Wednesday 1st November 2017.

You can find the ordering info on my Videopac page!

Seventh Retrobörse In Vienna: 6th November 2016

Oktober 25th, 2016 by Dieter in Events

Following the success of the Retrobörse in Vienna from 2009 to 2014, Austria’s capital will see its seventh Börse on Sunday, 6th November 2016. Like the previous one, this Börse will be held in the Längenfeldgasse 13 – 15, 1120 Vienna. Doors will open at 11 am and close at 4 pm. Entrance fee is only 4 Euros.

On more than 130 sales tables you will find items from the very first Pong systems up to the Playstation 3 era, both computer and video games, hardware and accessories.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enlarge your collection and chat with other enthusiasts about the whole video and computer games history.

Please visit for more details.

Happy Birthday Blue Danube Atari Club

Januar 1st, 2016 by Dieter in Atari, CCC

On the 1st January 1986, my cousin and I founded the „Blue Danube Atari Club“ („BDAC“), that is 30 years today. Well time flies …

Our club was probably one of the very first user computer clubs in Austria. It featured the 8-bit home computers as well as the 2600, 5200 and 7800 game systems, and soon also the ST computers. It was a small club with around 50 members at its peak. Great times!

The picture shows the cover of the very first club magazine. The cover „art“ was hand drawn by me, the content was written on a mechanical typewriter. The magazine was then photocopied for the members. Later (I had no printer in the beginning) it was made on my 130 XE and printed out. Imagine printing out dozens of copies, each with 16 or 20 pages, on a Seikosha GP-100AT seven-pin matrix dot printer. Eventually it was converted into a disk magazine, I wrote the software for the 8-bit and 16-bit computers by myself, both versions featuring 80 columns on the screen.

In the early 1990s the PCs took over and computers were no longer a hobby, but business, which I absolutely didn’t like. To compensate that, I renamed the club to „Play Atari Club“ („PAC“), featuring only games for all the above mentioned systems, plus Lynx and Jaguar. When I got my first internet access in spring 1997, the club was closed and continued as a free website, named „Classic Consoles Center“ („CCC“) …

Ralph H. Baer, Father Of Video Games, Passes Away At 92

Dezember 8th, 2014 by Dieter in General

„Dieter: Just came across your website…very nice! Would you mind telling me who or what you are: A business ? An individual ? I am Ralph H. Baer, the ‚father‘ of the video game industry…yes, I’m still around! If you are interested in video game history, contact me. English or German…either will do. RHB“

This is an email that I received on the 2nd December 1998, exactly sixteen years ago! First I thought someone was kidding me, but soon I learned that Ralph had contacted other video game collectors and institutions too. We developed an intense email conversation that went on for many years. Ralph had fascinating stories to tell and allowed me to publish a part of his forthcoming book on my website. He even invited me to his place in New Hampshire several times in the early 2000s, but unfortunately I didn’t have the money to fly to the USA back then. It is a pity that I never was able to meet him in person.

Ralph Baer passed away on the night of December 6, 2014 in his home.

What I will cherish is a signed copy of his book „Videogames In The Beginning“ and a signed copy of his never released Pinball game for the Odyssey2.

Without Ralph Baer, my life since 1982 would have been a completely different one, with much less fun, much less excitement. And I wouldn’t have met many great people.

So thank you very much Ralph, and R.I.P.

Sixth Retrobörse In Vienna: 23rd November 2014

November 20th, 2014 by Dieter in Events

Following the success of the Retrobörse in Vienna from 2009 to 2013, Austria’s capital will see its sixth Börse on Sunday, 23rd November 2014. Like in the previous year, this Börse will be held in the Längenfeldgasse 13 – 15, 1120 Vienna. Doors will open at 11 am and close at 4 pm. Entrance fee is only 4 Euros.

On more than 130 sales tables you will find items from the very first Pong systems up to the Playstation 3 era, both computer and video games, hardware and accessories.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enlarge your collection and chat with other enthusiasts about the whole video and computer games history.

Please visit for more details.