Here you can find the owners list of Robot City (Videopac 71). If you bought a copy second hand and are now the new owner, please contact us so that we can update this list. Please provide us with serial number, your name, email address and the country you live in.
Robot City Owners List
S/N | Name | Country |
00 | Dieter König | Austria |
01 | Robbert Jansen | Netherlands |
02 | René van den Enden | Netherlands |
03 | Reinhard Traunmüller | Austria |
04 | Martin Jobst-Tremel | Austria |
05 | Thomas Becker | Germany |
06 | Maurice Schimmel | Netherlands |
07 | Dave Erken | Netherlands |
08 | Sijmen & Sandra | Netherlands |
09 | Marc Naninck | Netherlands |
10 | Erwin Bierhof | Netherlands |
11 | Jörg Lennhof | Germany |
12 | Rene Lips | Netherlands |
13 | Oliver Knagge | Netherlands |
14 | Stephan Freundorfer | Germany |
15 | Thomas Grauel | Germany |
16 | Rob Goorman | Netherlands |
17 | Peter Schmied | Austria |
18 | Elias Zimmerman | Netherlands |
19 | Jens Brinkmann | Germany |
20 | Mark Vergeer | Netherlands |
21 | VectrexRoli | Austria |
22 | Thomas Kellner | Austria |
23 | Michael Noergaard | Denmark |
24 | Stefan Kratzer | Austria |
25 | Alex Lehmann | Switzerland |
26 | Rikard Ljungkvist | Sweden |
27 | Rikard Ljungkvist | Sweden |
28 | Sören Broman | Sweden |
29 | James Randall | USA |
30 | Lee Killough | USA |
31 | Gerald Diermaier | Austria |
32 | Gerald Diermaier | Austria |
33 | Andrew Levin | USA |
34 | Jérôme Allamagny | France |
35 | Eric Trappmann | Netherlands |
36 | Gerhard Jungsberger | Germany |
37 | Walter Zvolanek | Austria |
38 | Winnie Forster | Germany |
39 | Bas Kornalijnslijper | Netherlands |
40 | Victor EJS Vicente | Brazil |
41 | Pere Gomez | Spain |
42 | Todd Kadish | USA |
43 | Hannes Höbenreich | Austria |
44 | Michael Häussler | Austria |
45 | Sascha Gröll | Austria |
46 | Dieter Müller | Germany |
47 | Andreas König | Germany |
48 | Andreas Schleifer | Germany |
49 | Michael Bruckner | Austria |
50 | Klaus Diry | Germany |
51 | Frank Tanner | Switzerland |
52 | Stephan Wiedenfeld | Germany |
53 | Sven Grohmann | Germany |
54 | Jan Hering | Germany |
55 | Alexander Ehrhard | Germany |
56 | Emilio Rossoni | Netherlands |
57 | Dietmar Schwinghammer | Austria |
58 | Martin Gruber | Austria |
59 | Frank Albers | Germany |
60 | Rudolf Drack | Austria |
61 | Jacques Villeneuve | Italy |
62 | Patrik Zvolanek | Czech Republic |
63 | René Polakovic | Austria |
64 | r_type2600 | Austria |
65 | Carsten Lynge | Denmark |
66 | Ragnar F Süberkrüp | Germany |
67 | Alberto Ortega | USA |
68 | Markus Reisinger | Austria |
69 | Nicky Thijs | Netherlands |
70 | Wilco Giezen | Netherlands |
71 | Marc Verraes | Belgium |
72 | Jimmy Bertelsen | Sweden |
73 | Benito Silvestri | USA |
74 | Alexander de Mol | Netherlands |
75 | Michael Förderer | Germany |
76 | Rudolf8 | Austria |
77 | Michael Schmidt | Germany |
78 | Alex de Jonge | Netherlands |
79 | Steph Hayward | Netherlands |
80 | Alex de Jonge | Netherlands |
81 | Alexander Eichlberger | Austria |
82 | Magnus Reksten | Norway |
83 | Marc Fuchs | Germany |
84 | Kai Stuke | Germany |
85 | Michael Härtig | Germany |
86 | Annette DiMarco | USA |
87 | Anonymous | Anonymous |
88 | Dietmar Strickert | Germany |
89 | Martin Wegscheider | Austria |
90 | Theo Groenewoud | Netherlands |
91 | Marco Bonfiglio | Italy |
92 | Markus Mittermair | Germany |
93 | Sascha Gröll | Austria |
94 | Günther Karall | Austria |
95 | Markus Mittermair | Germany |
96 | Markus Mittermair | Germany |
97 | Hans Weischedel | Germany |
98 | Hans Weischedel | Germany |
99 | Mark Guttenbrunner | Austria |