Tutankham Order Information

The price for one copy of Tutankham is 49 Euro + shipping. Please note that due to technical reasons a PAL and an NTSC version of Tutankham exists. The PAL version is not playable on NTSC consoles, so when ordering a copy of Tutankham please let us know which version you would like to have. 75 copies of the PAL version and 25 copies of the NTSC version have been made.
What you will get: Cartridge with original style label, original style manual (English)
with 12 full colored pages, original style telescoping tray box with artwork, original
style cardboard inlay for the cartridge in the box. Please note that due to technical
reasons the box is a few millimetres larger than the original boxes and the green of
the cover is slightly different to the original.


NOTE: We have also made original style label, box and manual in limited quantity for Videopac Spider-Man, which was released by Bas Kornalijnslijper. For more info click here. You can save on shipping costs when you order Tutankham AND the new Spider-Man artwork!

Austria (not insured)
Tutankham OR Spider-Man … 3 Euro
Tutankham AND Spider-Man … 4 Euro

Europe (not insured)
Tutankham OR Spider-Man … 5 Euro Economy or 8 Euro Priority
Tutankham AND Spider-Man … 7 Euro Economy or 10 Euro Priority
(Economy will take ca. 6 – 10 days, Priority will take ca. 2 – 4 days)

World (not insured)
Tutankham OR Spider-Man … 7 Euro Economy or 9 Euro Priority
Tutankham AND Spider-Man … 8 Euro Economy or 12 Euro Priority
(Economy will take ca. 10 – 20 days, Priority will take ca. 4 – 8 days)

Insurance (Austria, Europe, World)
If you wish, add 3 Euro for insurance (we recommend that!)
Please note that we cannot be held responsible for loss of the parcel when it is NOT insured!


Payment can be made by PayPal, bank transfer (free of bank charges if you can use IBAN/BIC) or cash in a (registered) letter. If you want to pay using PayPal, you have to add 3 Euro to cover our PayPal fees at least partially.


Click here to order. Please leave your name, address, prefered payment option and if you want the PAL or NTSC version in the email. Your game will be shipped within 1 – 3 days after receipt of your payment.

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