Here you can find the owners list of Baseball+ (Videopac 8+). If you bought a copy second hand and are now the new owner, please contact us so that we can update this list. Please provide us with serial number, your name, email address and the country you live in.
S/N | Name | Country |
00 | Dieter König | Austria |
01 | René van den Enden | Netherlands |
02 | Erwin Kloiber Jr | Austria |
03 | Klaus Peterka | Austria |
04 | Karl Illetschko | Austria |
05 | Alex Lehmann | Switzerland |
06 | Ivo Lehmann | Switzerland |
07 | George Hayward | United Kingdom |
08 | Marc Verraes | Belgium |
09 | Klaus Diry | Germany |
10 | Martin Jobst-Tremel | Austria |
11 | Andrew Levin | USA |
12 | Lee Killough | USA |
13 | Steph Hayward | Netherlands |
14 | Sören Broman | Sweden |
15 | Fred Linders | Netherlands |
16 | Martijn Wenting | Netherlands |
17 | Oliver Knagge | Germany |
18 | Adrian Scheel | Germany |
19 | Christopher Dota | USA |
20 | Hannes Höbenreich | Austria |
21 | James Randall | USA |
22 | Maurice Schimmel | Netherlands |
23 | Marc Naninck | Netherlands |
24 | Ian Baronofsky | USA |
25 | Alex de Jonge | Netherlands |
26 | Rene Lips | Netherlands |
27 | Michael Darretta | USA |
28 | Jeff Rothkopf | USA |
29 | Dieter Müller | Germany |
30 | Andy Ryals | United Kingdom |
31 | Pere Gómez | Spain |
32 | Peter Schmied | Austria |
33 | Marc Hofer | Switzerland |
34 | Michael Häussler | Austria |
35 | Stefan Kratzer | Austria |
36 | Russ Perry Jr | USA |
37 | Jari Vanhatalo | Finland |
38 | Markus Reisinger | Austria |
39 | David Flemming | USA |
40 | Jochem Eigenhuijsen | Netherlands |
41 | Dietmar Schwinghammer | Austria |
42 | Robert Palmen | Netherlands |
43 | Oliver Fischer | Germany |
44 | Bas Kornalijnslijper | Netherlands |
45 | Mark Guttenbrunner | Austria |
46 | Matt Pritchard | USA |
47 | Matt Pritchard | USA |
48 | Nicky Thijs | Netherlands |
49 | Stefan Kratzer | Austria |
50 | Jens Brinkmann | Germany |
51 | Ulf Svensson | Sweden |
52 | Rikard Ljungkvist | Sweden |
53 | Thomas Becker | Germany |
54 | Gerald Diermaier | Austria |
55 | Dietmar Strickert | Germany |
56 | Simone Pizza | Italy |
57 | Benjamin Wopersnow | Germany |
58 | Markus Schmidt | Germany |
59 | Thomas Kellner | Austria |
60 | Sten Linssen | Netherlands |
61 | Sten Linssen | Netherlands |
62 | Mark Bodiella | United Kingdom |
63 | Martin Wegscheider | Austria |
64 | Michael Tausendpfund | Germany |
65 | Mario Faiad | Brazil |
66 | Ragnar F. Süberkrüp | Germany |
67 | Walter Much | Austria |
68 | Christian Beslmüller | Germany |
69 | Gerald Diermaier | Austria |
70 | Toby St-Aubin | Canada |
71 | Michael Noergaard | Denmark |
72 | Wilco Giezen | Netherlands |
73 | Lars Schade | Germany |
74 | Marco Sowa | Germany |
75 | Richard Richards | Netherlands |
76 | Richard Richards | Netherlands |
77 | Alex | Germany |
78 | Alexander de Mol | Netherlands |
79 | Elias Zimmerman | Netherlands |
80 | Retrobörse Vienna 2016 | Austria |
81 | Sascha Groell | Austria |
82 | Alfred Vieli | Switzerland |
83 | Jan Hering | Germany |
84 | Emilio Rossoni | Netherlands |
85 | Frank Albers | Germany |
86 | Carsten Lynge | Denmark |
87 | Jimmy Bertelsen | Sweden |
88 | Arie van Nierop | Netherlands |
89 | Rudolf8 | Austria |
90 | Theo Groenewoud | Netherlands |
91 | Jérôme Allamagny | France |
92 | Alexander Eichlberger | Austria |
93 | Magnus Reksten | Norway |
94 | Marc Fuchs | Germany |
95 | Anonymous | Anonymous |
96 | Günther Karall | Austria |
97 | Markus Mittermair | Germany |
98 | Hans Weischedel | Germany |
99 | Hans Weischedel | Germany |