Eurocon celebrated its 10th anniversary in Vienna, Austria, from Friday 23rd until Sunday 25th October 2009. The convention was held in the Wombat’s The Lounge city hostel in the Mariahilfer Strasse. The preparations required much more work than those for Austrocon seven years ago, but the result was worth it. We think we had a diversified, interesting program and hope that all the attendees liked it. Below is the list of participants (in alphabetical order), my photos, four short video clips of the live bands and links to the photos of other attendees. Enjoy!
You can still post about Eurocon in our forums.
Organizers: Mark Guttenbrunner, Martin Jobst-Tremel, Dieter König, Reinhard Traunmüller, r-type2600
Attendees: Mat Allen (GB), Ingo Boyens (D), Michael Braun (D), Jens Brinkmann (D), Christian Bydlinski (A), Lukas Bydlinski (A), Thomas Eggel (A), Stephan Freundorfer (D), Lianne Goorman (NL), Rob Goorman (NL), Thomas Grauel (D), John Groenewold (NL), Naomi Groenewold (NL), Jürgen Guggenberger (A), Katja Hack (D), Christian Keller (D), Marco Kerstens (NL), Jens Klöpfel (D), Oliver Knagge (D), Jon Legg (GB), Jörg Lennhof (D), Chelsea Little (GB), Paul Little (GB), Thomas Marxl (A), Jörg Müller (D), Maurice Schimmel (NL), Ralf Schittkowski (D), Sandra Schouten (NL), Sijmen Schouten (NL), Kerstin Wodok (D), Martin Wodok (D), Dorothea Wolf (D), Klaus Wolf (D), Oliver Ziegler (D).
Special surprise guests: Winnie Forster and Boris Schneider-Johne.
Total number of participants: 41.
My photos
My Video Clips
Catchy Name Music:
More photos
Thomas Marxl
Sandra & Sijmen
Martin Jobst-Tremel
Thomas Grauel
Martin Wodok
Videoclip from butch405 (
Audio recording of the panel of experts on Boris Schneider’s website