Atarisoft FAQ Credits

John Hardie for helping me out with his Atari Master List

Apple II section
Thanks to John Leffingwell (August 2022)

CBS Colecovision section
Thanks to all the guys involved in the Colecovision FAQ at (site seems to be down?)

Commodore 64 section
Thanks to all the guys involved in the Commodore 64 Cartridge Rarity List (no URL found)

Commodore VIC 20 section
Thanks to the Commodore 8-bit file area

Mattel Intellivision section
Thanks to Michael Lünzer
Thanks to the Blue Sky Rangers at IntellivisionLives

Sinclair ZX Spectrum section
Thanks to The World Of Spectrum

Texas Instruments TI 99/4A section
Thanks to the TI 99/4A Home Computer Page
Thanks to Videogame House (Great info and pictures on TI-99 Atarisoft games there!)

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