This is a list of all officially released games for the Colecovision system with information if the game was released in NTSC and/or PAL countries. Not included are the Brazilian games by Digimax, Mania and Splicevision, as these are only clones of Colecovision titles originally released by other companies. Also not included are homebrews, new releases and grey imports.
The NTSC part of this list should be pretty accurate. The PAL part is much harder, as no PAL lists exist so far (well in fact this is the reason why I generated this list).
There might be many errors in the list. If you can help us, please discuss this list in the corresponding thread in our Colecovision forum or contact me via the contact form. Thanks in advance!
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Game | Publisher | NTSC | PAL |
2010: The Action Game | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Alcazar: The Forgotten Fortress | Telegames | Yes | Yes |
Alphabet Zoo | Spinnaker | Yes | |
Amazing Bumpman | Telegames | Yes | Yes |
Antarctic Adventure | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Aquattack | Interphase | Yes | |
Artillery Duel | Xonox | Yes | |
Artillery Duel/Chuck Norris Superkicks | Xonox | Yes | |
B.C. II: Grog´s Revenge | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
B.C.´s Quest For Tires | Sierra | Yes | |
Beamrider | Activision | Yes | Yes |
Blockade Runner | Interphase | Yes | |
Boulder Dash | Telegames | Yes | Yes |
Brain Strainers | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Buck Rogers: Planet Of Zoom | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Bump´n´Jump | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Burgertime | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures In The Park | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Cabbage Patch Kids: Picture Show | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Campaign ´84 | Sunrise | Yes | |
Carnival | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Centipede | Atarisoft | Yes | |
Choplifter | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Chuck Norris Superkicks | Xonox | Yes | |
Congo Bongo | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Cosmic Avenger | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Cosmic Crisis | Bit Corp | Yes | |
Cosmic Crisis | Telegames | Yes | Yes |
Dance Fantasy | Fisher Price | Yes | |
Decathlon | Activision | Yes | Yes |
Defender | Atarisoft | Yes | |
Destructor | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Donkey Kong | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Donkey Kong Jr | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Dr. Seuss Fix-Up The Mix-Up Puzzler | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Dragonfire | Imagic | Yes | Yes |
Evolution | Sydney | Yes | |
Facemaker | Spinnaker | Yes | |
Fathom | Imagic | Yes | Yes |
Fathom | Telegames | Yes | Yes |
Flipper Slipper | Spectravision | Yes | |
Fortune Builder | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Fraction Fever | Spinnaker | Yes | |
Frantic Freddy | Spectravision | Yes | |
Frenzy | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Frogger | Parker | Yes | Yes |
Frogger II: Threeedeep! | Parker | Yes | Yes |
Front Line | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Galaxian | Atarisoft | Yes | |
Gateway To Apshai | Epyx | Yes | Yes |
Gorf | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Gust Buster | Sunrise | Yes | |
Gyruss | Parker | Yes | Yes |
H.E.R.O. | Activision | Yes | Yes 2) |
Illusions | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
It´s Only Rock´n´Roll | Xonox | Yes | |
James Bond 007 | Parker | Yes | Yes |
Jukebox | Spinnaker | Yes | |
Jumpman Jr | Epyx | Yes | Yes |
Jungle Hunt | Atarisoft | Yes | |
Ken Uston Blackjack/Poker | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Keystone Kapers | Activision | Yes | Yes |
Kung Fu Superkicks | Telegames | Yes | Yes |
Lady Bug | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Learning With Leeper | Sierra | Yes | |
Linking Logic | Fisher Price | Yes | |
Logic Levels | Fisher Price | Yes | |
Looping | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Memory Manor | Fisher Price | Yes | |
Meteoric Shower | Bit Corp | Yes | |
Miner 2049er | Micro-Fun | Yes | Yes |
Monkey Academy | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Montezuma´s Revenge | Parker | Yes | Yes |
Moonsweeper | Imagic | Yes | Yes |
Motocross Racer | Telegames | Yes | Yes |
Motocross Racer | Xonox | Yes | |
Motocross Racer/Tomarc the Barbarian | Xonox | Yes | |
Mountain King | Sunrise | Yes | |
Mouse Trap | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Mr. Do! | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Mr. Do!´s Castle | Parker | Yes | Yes |
Nova Blast | Imagic | Yes | Yes |
Oil´s Well | Sierra | Yes | Yes |
Omega Race | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
One-On-One Basketball | Micro-Fun | Yes | |
Pepper II | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Pitfall II: The Lost Caverns | Activision | Yes | Yes |
Pitfall! | Activision | Yes | Yes |
Pitstop | Epyx | Yes | Yes |
Popeye | Parker | Yes | Yes |
Q*bert | Parker | Yes | Yes |
Q*bert´s Qubes | Parker | Yes | Yes |
Quest For Quintana Roo | Sunrise | Yes | |
River Raid | Activision | Yes | Yes |
Robin Hood | Xonox | Yes | |
Robin Hood/Sir Lancelot | Xonox | Yes | Yes 1) |
Roc´n´Rope | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Rock´n´Bolt | Telegames | Yes | Yes |
Rocky Super Action Boxing | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Rolloverture | Sunrise | Yes | |
Sammy Lightfoot | Sierra | Yes | |
Sector Alpha | Spectravision | Yes | |
Sewer Sam | Interphase | Yes | |
Sir Lancelot | Xonox | Yes | |
Skiing | Telegames | Yes | Yes |
Slither | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Slurpy | Xonox | Yes | |
Smurf: Paint´n´Play Workshop | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Smurf: Rescue In Gargamel´s Castle | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Space Fury | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Space Panic | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Spectron | Spectravision | Yes | Yes |
Spy Hunter | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Squish´Em Featuring Sam | Interphase | Yes | |
Star Trek | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Star Wars: The Arcade Game | Parker | Yes | Yes |
Strike It | Telegames | Yes | Yes |
Subroc | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Super Action Baseball | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Super Action Football | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Super Action Soccer | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Super Cobra | Parker | Yes | Yes |
Super Crossforce | Spectravision | Yes | Yes |
Super Sketch | Personal Peripherals | Yes | |
Tank Wars | Bit Corp | Yes | |
Tank Wars | Telegames | Yes | Yes |
Tapper | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Tarzan | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Telly Turtle | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
The Dam Busters | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
The Dukes Of Hazzard | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
The Heist | Micro-Fun | Yes | |
The Wizard Of Id's Wiz Math | Sierra | Yes | |
Threshold | Sierra | Yes | |
Time Pilot | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Tomarc The Barbarian | Xonox | Yes | |
Tournament Tennis | Imagic | Yes | Yes |
Tournament Tennis | Telegames | Yes | Yes |
Turbo | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Tutankham | Parker | Yes | Yes |
Up´n´Down | Sega | Yes | |
Venture | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Victory | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
War Games | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
War Room | Probe 2000 | Yes | |
Wing War | Imagic | Yes | Yes |
Wing War | Telegames | Yes | |
Word Feud | Xonox | Yes | |
Zaxxon | Coleco/CBS | Yes | Yes |
Zenji | Activision | Yes | Yes |
CBS games that are proved to exist in a German version (manual and box): Carnival, Cosmic Avenger, Donkey Kong Junior, Lady Bug, Looping, Mr. Do, Pepper II, Smurf, Space Fury, Space Panic, Time Pilot, Turbo, Venture, Zaxxon.
CBS games that are proved to exist in a multilingual version (5 languages, those are re-releases of the single language versions): Buck Rogers, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Junior, Lady Bug, Smurf, Space Panic, Time Pilot, Zaxxon.
CBS games that are believed to exist ONLY in multilingual version (4 languages, those are probably all the later games): Antarctic Adventure, BurgerTime, Cabbage Patch Kids: Adventures In The Park, Frenzy, Front Line, Gateway To Apshai, Jumpman Junior, Rocky Super Action Boxing, Slither, Super Action Football (Soccer), Tarzan, Victory.
CBS games that are believed to exist ONLY in multilangual version (3 languages, those are probably the very last releases, even after the 4 language versions): Subroc.
1) Robin Hood/Sir Lancelot: Dietmar Bertling from Germany owns a PAL version of this game. The label is black (not blue like the Atari 2600 version). The box has a small orange sticker that says „Coleco-Version“. It is not known if the other double enders also exist in European versions.
2) A European version of H.E.R.O. in multilingual form exists at least in a box without indication of the system. The manual is multilingual too. Could be box and manual from the Atari 2600 version.