How Video Games Invaded The Home TV Set – Chapter 7

On To 1968

Sometime in mid 1967 we had begun to address the business question of just how we were going to get a return on our investment: We had already spent a lot of time, energy and money on this totally novel thing called home TV games ! Since Sanders Associates was (and still is) principally a high tech, military electronics firm, it did not appear likely that we would ever manufacture a home TV game product at Sanders, nor did we have any experience in the distribution and marketing of consumer products.

The question of how to bring the concept to market remained unresolved for several months. Meanwhile, management was beginning to ask urgent questions as to where we thought we were going. Sometimes these questions took the form of „Are you still fooling around with that stuff?“. An answer had to be found and I had to come up with it.

Cable Games

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