Route 66 Owners List

Route 66 lettering

Here you can find the owners list of Route 66 (Videopac 66+). If you bought a copy second hand and are now the new owner, please contact us so that we can update this list. Please provide us with serial number, your name, email address and the country you live in.

This release has sold out. It was limited to 100 copies.

S/N Name Country
00 Dieter König Austria
01 Rafael A. Cardoso da Silva Brazil
02 René van den Enden Netherlands
03 Maurice Schimmel Netherlands
04 Marc Naninck Netherlands
05 Oliver Knagge Germany
06 Klaus Diry Germany
07 Marc Verraes Belgium
08 George Hayward United Kingdom
09 Alex Lehmann Switzerland
10 Ivo Lehmann Switzerland
11 Sören Broman Sweden
12 Stephen Lister United Kingdom
13 Thomas Kellner Austria
14 Cyril Denis France
15 Alex de Jonge Netherlands
16 Pere Gomez Spain
17 Rick Sprague USA
18 Marc Hofer Switzerland
19 Stefan Kratzer Austria
20 Peter Schmied Austria
21 Gré Portman Netherlands
22 Karl Illetschko Austria
23 Robert Palmen Netherlands
24 Paulo Melo Portugal
25 Andrew Levin USA
26 Al Backiel USA
27 Adrian Scheel Germany
28 James Randall USA
29 Michael Darretta USA
30 Steph Hayward Netherlands
31 Lee Killough USA
32 Chris Skog Finland
33 Rene Lips Netherlands
34 Ian Baronofsky USA
35 Fred Linders Netherlands
36 Dieter Müller Germany
37 William Cassidy USA
38 Russ Perry Jr USA
39 David Flemming USA
40 Joe Plochl USA
41 Kai Stuke Germany
42 Thomas Becker Germany
43 Wilco Giezen Netherlands
44 Perry Senders Netherlands
45 David Flemming USA
46 Markus Reisinger Austria
47 Mark Wolongevicz USA
48 Werner Rott Austria
49 Richard Porter United Kingdom
50 Andy Ryals United Kingdom
51 Jari Vanhatalo Finland
52 Jeff Rothkopf USA
53 Jason Badovick USA
54 Martijn Wenting Netherlands
55 Hannes Höbenreich Austria
56 Michael Häussler Austria
57 Jochem Eigenhuijsen Netherlands
58 Dietmar Schwinghammer Austria
59 Oliver Fischer Germany
60 Matt Pritchard USA
61 Matt Pritchard USA
62 Elias Zimmerman Netherlands
63 Nicky Thijs Netherlands
64 Ulf Svensson Sweden
65 Martin Wegscheider Austria
66 Ragnar F. Süberkrüp Germany
67 Rikard Ljungkvist Sweden
68 Rikard Ljungkvist Sweden
69 Thomas Becker Germany
70 Gerald Diermaier Austria
71 Dietmar Strickert Germany
72 Hans-Peter Wally Austria
73 Mark Bodiella United Kingdom
74 Simone Pizza Italy
75 Benjamin Wopersnow Germany
76 Reuben da Silva Freitas Brazil
77 Victor Emmanuel J. S. Vicente Brazil
78 Markus Schmidt Germany
79 Sten Linssen Netherlands
80 Sten Linssen Netherlands
81 Birgit Ackerl Austria
82 Mario Faiad Brazil
83 Luciano Brazil
84 Michael Tausendpfund Germany
85 Jan Wieczorek Germany
86 Jan Wieczorek Germany
87 Pipo Katzi Germany
88 Andreas Kolinek Austria
89 Walter Much Austria
90 Theo Groenewoud Netherlands
91 Chris USA
92 Gerald Diermaier Austria
93 Hermann Frankenberger Germany
94 Christian Beslmüller Germany
95 Roland Schatz Austria
96 Todd Kadish USA
97 Toby St-Aubin Canada
98 Hans Weischedel Germany
99 Hans Weischedel Germany

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