What About The Colours Of The Atarisoft Boxes?

An interesting fact is that each system had its own box colour. This makes it easy to separate the games for the different systems with a first view and also makes a nice picture on the book shelf ;-)

System Box colour
Texas Instruments TI 99/4A Yellow with black title and black text
Commodore VIC 20 Magenta with white title and white text
Commodore 64 Green with white title and white text
CBS Colecovision Orange with white title and black text?
Mattel Intellivision Pink with black title and black text?
IBM PC Blue – what else ;-) – with white title and white text
Apple II Red with white title and white text
Atari 400/800/XL/XE Silver with black title and black text
IBM PC Jr Light blue with white title and white text?
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Turquoise with white title and black text
BBC Micro, Acorn Dark violet with white title and white text


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