Club G7000 Videospiele

by Dieter Koenig

The Videopac system was very popular here in Austria in the early 80s, and like a few other countries (USA, UK, Germany, Netherlands, …) we also had an official Videopac club by Philips. It was called „Club G7000 Videospiele“, was founded in September 1982 and closed down in February 1985. I have been club member from March 1983 until the end that came much too early.

On this page I will show you the covers of the club magazines and the fine collectibles that were released by the club, sorted by their appearance.

Club Magazine

Description: 2 color club magazine (last 3 issues „metallic“), size 21 x 29.7 cm (DIN A4).
Introduced: In September 1982. There were some magazine ads for the club back then as far as I remember.
Initial price: Included in club membership.
Find-ability: Nearly impossible.
Info: The club released 11 issues of the club magazine between September 1982 and December 1984, with a total of 76 pages all in all. Note that most of the release months are guessed by me, as I really can’t remember when I exactly got them all, but the dates should be as accurate as +/- 1 month. The covers are not so colorfull like for example the ones from the German and US club magazines. Click on the thumbnails to get big pictures of the covers. I hope some day I will have enough time to scan all pages of the magazines.

October 1982
4 pages

December 1982
4 pages

February 1983
8 pages

May 1983
4 pages

August 1983
8 pages

November 1983
8 pages

5/1983 (X-mas)
December 1983
8 pages

March 1984
8 pages

June 1984
8 pages

September 1984
8 pages

December 1984
8 pages

Club Card

Description: Plastic card with 4-color club emblem on front, size 8.5 x 5.4 cm
Introduced: In September 1982 I would guess.
Initial price: Included in club membership. The card was sent to every new club member.
Find-ability: Nearly impossible.
Info: This is my card in the picture. I joined the club in March 1983 (8303) after begging my parents for some months (I got my G7000 for Christmas 1982). My membership number was 1629. I don’t know how many members the club had all in all, but I would guess between 3000 and 5000 in 1984. Every year when you had paid your membership fee (120 Austrian Schilling = approximately 8.70 Euro), you got the yearly sticker which you could put on the club card. The card would hold stickers until 1990, which was very optimistic. It’s a pity that the club didn’t live so long ;-)


Description: Sticker with 4-color club emblem, size 13.3 x 8.2 cm.
Introduced: In club magazine issue 1/1982, September 1982.
Initial price: 4 Austrian Schilling in stamps = approximately 0.30 Euro.
Find-ability: Nearly impossible.
Info: I have two of those stickers, but one of them is on the door of my room in my parent’s house ;-)


Description: White sweat-shirt or T-shirt with 4-color club emblems.
Introduced: In club magazine issue 1/1982, September 1982.
Initial price: Sweater 127 ATS = approximately 9.20 Euro. T-Shirt 68 ATS = approximately 4.90 Euro.
Find-ability: Nearly impossible.
Info: The sweater and the T-shirts were available in sizes S, M, L and XL. The T-shirts additionally in sizes 152 and 164 for kids. I think I had a T-shirt back then. A T-shirt and a cap have been given away as farewell presents to each club member when the club closed down in spring 1985. That’s probably where I got mine. I am not sure if it is still somewhere in my parent’s house or if my mum dumped it when it didn’t fit me anymore some years later. I’d have to look … :-)

Dust Cover

Description: Dust cover, transparent, with G7000 logo.
Introduced: In club magazine issue 2/1982, December 1982.
Initial price: 125 Austrian Schilling = approximately 9.10 Euro.
Find-ability: Nearly impossible.
Info: I cannot tell much about the dust cover, as I never had one so far … :-(


Description: Blue cap with 2-color club emblem.
Introduced: In club magazine issue 1/1983, February 1983.
Initial price: 70 Austrian Schilling = approximately 5.10 Euro.
Find-ability: Nearly impossible.
Info: I think I had a cap back then. A T-shirt and a cap have been given away as farewell presents to each club member when the club closed down in spring 1985. That’s probably where I got mine. I am not sure if it is still somewhere in my parent’s house or if my mum dumped it when it didn’t fit me anymore some years later. I’d have to look … :-)


Description: Full color metal pins, diameter 3.8 and 3.7 cm.
Introduced: In club magazine issue 1/1983, February 1983.
Initial price: Free.
Find-ability: Nearly impossible.
Info: The first pin „Die Mampfer kommen“, showing the Munchkin from a Videopac TV spot, has a diameter of 3.8 cm and was a free give-away to each club member with magazin issue 1/1983. This issue includes the story of the making of the TV spot. Quote from the club magazine: „… if you want more of those pins – your dealer has them!“. The other two pins show motives from „Turtles“ and „Terrahawks“ are 3.7 cm in diameter. Unfortunately I cannot remember when they were introduced exactly, but probably around the Austrian release date of the corresponding games. I also don’t know where I got them – probably they were also give-aways from the club and/or from Videopac dealers. I have one of each of the three :-)

Plush Munchkin

Description: Plush Munchkin, available in pink and light blue. Diameter circa 20 cm?
Introduced: In club magazine issue 3/1983, August 1983.
Initial price: 115 Austrian Schilling = approximately 8.40 Euro.
Find-ability: Nearly impossible.
Info: I don’t know any detailed info on those, as unfortunately I never had one so far :-(

Cartridge box

Description: White plastic, with Philips logo and Philips Videopac logo.
Introduced: In club magazine issue 1/1984, March 1984.
Initial price: Unknown.
Find-ability: Nearly impossible.
Info: The box can hold up to 10 Videopacs. It was available at Videopac dealers, you could get it empty or with two Videopac games. The dealer would name you the games that could be bundled with the box. Unfortunately I never had one so far :-(

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