
Rex Battenberg by Dieter König
Programmed the unreleased Odyssey3 game Flash Point.

Hans-Heinz Bieling by Dieter König
(Needs translation)

Graham Conduit by Dieter König
Worked for GST Video. Author of the unreleased Videopac game Shark Hunter.

Jeff Fenton by Dieter König
CEO of General Systems Technology, parent company of Videopac developer GST Video.

William Fisher by Alessandro Pace
Wrote some Intellivision games and headed up the M-Network software group for Apple II and IBM PC conversions.

Bob Harris by Dieter König
Author of the great Videopac/Odyssey2 game Killer Bees.

Gary Kato by Gerald Kloos
Programmed the Intellivision translation of Demon Attack for Imagic – probably the best version of this famous game …

Andy Eltis by Dieter Koenig
Worked for GST Video and programmed Videopac games there.

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