
Written on Sonntag 29 März 2009 at 10:46 by Dieter
Filed under Arcade, Art.

Street art in Paris by &quote;Invader"Street art in Paris by &quote;Invader"Made a three day trip to Paris with the missus, and of course we had a walk through Quartier Latin, one of the oldest parts of Paris and also the university quarter. By chance, we stumbled across two artworks by „Invader“, a street artist who „invades“ cities all over the world with characters inspired by first-generation arcade games, especially Space Invaders. He makes them out of tiles, so he can cement them to walls and keep the ultra-pixelated appearance. Looks really great in my opinion!

Invader started his work in 1999 and traveled to 35 cities on all five continents so far. You can visit his website at, it’s well worth a read!

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