Eurocon, the annual meeting of classic gaming enthusiasts from all over Europe (and beyond) celebrates its 10th anniversary! This year we will meet the 9th time in 10 years. After 2002 this is the second convention that will take place in Vienna, and for the second time I am part of the organisation team. Date will be the weekend from 23rd to 25th October 2009, location will be the Wombat’s city hostel in the Mariahilfer Strasse, one of the most famous shopping streets in Vienna.
On Friday the participants will arrive during the day, so there will be already a lot of chatting with old and new friends. In the evening we will visit the famous Prater for gaming in the arcades, having food and drinks, and maybe visit the Praterdome discotheque. On Saturday there will be a Retrobörse in the Technical University. The Retrobörse will be open for the public, but the first hour in the morning will be only accessible for Eurocon participants. Saturday evening there will be a Retroparty at the Wombat’s, open for the public, with 80’s music, live bands (electronic music), retro videos and retro games. Sunday the Eurocon program will continue with Show & Tell, contests, an auction and much more …
For detailed info please check out the official websites of the Eurocon and the Retrobörse.