
Written on Montag 13 Oktober 2008 at 16:24 by Dieter
Filed under CCC.

Old and new CCC logoAs from today, there will be a link on my old website to this new website. So to speak this is finally the relaunch of the CCC website. However, the old site will stay online for another month or so, because the transfer of all articles and pictures from the old site to the new one is not completed yet, some stuff is still missing on the new site. The transfer should be finished until November.

Why did I relaunch the site already then? Because there are some news: I will add information of my new Videopac Release Martian Threat and pictures of Eurocon in Karlsruhe today – and want to do that already on the new website :)

So again welcome, I hope you will like the new CCC website!

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