Welcome to the new Classic Consoles Center website!
After 11 years online I am working on the second relaunch of my site – and it even got its own domain! The Classic Consoles Center was always planned as a site that invites its readers to actively participate. Web 2.0 now makes this easier than ever, so I really hope that you fellow readers don’t stay just readers in the future, but evolve into active members. Use the comment function in the News section, use the forums – and start immediately, because at the moment we are in the construction phase of the new site and I want to know what you like or don’t like, what you think about the design and so on – this is not my site, it should be our site.
Regarding the static content: Please have some patience until the static pages have been moved from the old to the new site. I hope to have completed the transfer until the end of September.